SIDeMaST 91st National Congress of SIDeMaST
Sharing the desire to make the world a better place
Tag: Congress
ECM courses
free communications

Dates and location: 25- 28 May 2016, “Magazzini del Cotone” conference center, Genoa Porto Antico
Target: Medici specialisti dermatologi, reumatologi, immunologi, oncologi, patologi, chirurghi estetici, infermieri e studenti di medicina.
In addition to managing the scientific part (speakers, schedule, abstracts, etc.), the Congress was also marked by a number of social gatherings, entertainment occasions, gala dinner parties.
SIDeMaST was a convention whose figures testify to Triumph’s great commitment and our extensive experience in medical congresses: 1,000 participants, 254 speakers/moderators divided among 6 halls, 31 ECM courses and 21 non-ECM courses, 3 lectio magistralis, 276 symposiums, study groups, CPD courses, 81 free communications, 111 posters, and 1 special training class for nurses.
We managed all aspects of the project, from the visual identity study to organizational office work, transfers, travel plans and bookings. All setups and technical facilities were designed and implemented in accordance with the highest safety certifications, as required by current legislation.
The Congress brought significant progress in its scientific work and we are pleased to have given our professional contribution.