Eni Circular Eni

We got energy flowing in this unique experience

Tag: Corporate

  • +200.000


  • +600

    mentions in the press, online and on the radio

  • 6.500.000


  • 1,5mln

    total reach

Circular Eni

Dates and location: October 2018 - Rome, April 2019 - Milan and june 2019 - Senigallia.

Target: Stakeholders, tech enthusiasts, students, startuppers

We provide energy to the world with circular energy” – Claudio Descalzi.

A significant vision that we concretized in an event, using the core concepts of circular economy – reduce, reuse, recycle – as a basis for an experiential format that unfolded through certain key points: the creation of immersive spaces, workshops and laboratories that aimed to raise awareness even in the youngest attendees, and forms of entertainment like the Junk Band and their “recycled” music.

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Dates and location: October 2018 - Rome, April 2019 - Milan and june 2019 - Senigallia.

Target: Stakeholders, tech enthusiasts, students, startuppers

A series of events designed to promote the culture of circular economy in a direct, powerful and tangible way.

This format came to life through several projects, all open to the general public: from the Maker Faire in Rome, with its Circular Restaurant, an installation created by Carlo Ratti to narrate the process of recycling food waste, such as waste frying oils that can be made into biofuel, to the FuoriSalone in the Botanical Garden of Brera in Milan with its Circular Garden, a natural architecture created using fungal mycelium, to the CaterRaduno in Senigallia, where the Circular Bar used waste from fresh-squeezed juices to craft cups and other material.

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