A bubble forest
Tag: Corporate
days of installation
37 bubbles
for 34 species of trees represented
5 metres
diameter of the largest bubble
500 square metres
of data visualisation area
press articles
total reach

Dates and location: 4-10 September 2021 - Brera Botanical Garden, Milan
Target: transversal
Comparing footprints.
In the context of FuoriSalone 2021, an unprecedented route through Milan’s historic garden showed the contribution of trees to reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.
Eni, in collaboration with Carlo Ratti e Associati and Studio Italo Rota, signs a project with the aim of offering an unprecedented representation of data to viewers.
Natural Capital is the romantic unveiling of the fundamental role forests play in our lives. The greatest data visualisation ever made, which turns from a data collector into a tangible experience.

Dates and location: 4-10 September 2021 - Brera Botanical Garden, Milan
Target: transversal
Making people think: a natural success
The delicate production of an itinerary with artistic features and a scientific flavour invited visitors to reflect on and understand their impact on the well-being of the planet.
Giving life to an immersive, colourful and light experience, which carried with it contents of great value, made it clear that messages had to be conveyed through the experience.
Installation, event, talk, what counts is to identify a touch-point between the brand, what it has to say and the audience it wants to address.
We make it happen!