Triumph Group International wins the 25th World Congress of Dermatology in Singapore 2023
The latest success brings the company from Milan to Singapore, affirming the group's international vocation
Rome, 28 July 2020 – One year after the closing of the 24th edition of the World Congress of Dermatology, the most celebrated medical event of 2019, Triumph Group International was appointed the organization of the 25th edition of the prime event in the dermatological field worldwide, which takes place every four year.
After the astonishing numbers of the 24th World Congress of Dermatology, which saw 17,000 delegates from 149 countries take part in the medical congress hosted in Milan, TGI was awarded the international tender for planning and organizing the 25th World Congress of Dermatology to be held in Singapore in 2023.
The winning ingredient being the professionalism of a group with a solid history and a know-how which is constantly evolving, leveraging human capital, experience and innovation as its main strengths.
“The experience of the World Congress of Dermatology in Milan has simply confirmed Triumph’s expertise in organizing major medical events, which are increasingly being considered integrated 360-degrees events – as stated by Maria Criscuolo, Chairwoman of TGI -.
International solidity and reliability are the results of over 35 years of experience and thousands of organized events. However, experience is not enough! We need new ideas; we need to know how to read the signs of aging and be able to anticipate them. We need to understand that a medical event is different from what it used to be just a few years ago. We have entered the world of hyper-technological, sustainable and comprehensive global events. “
WCD2023 will be hosted in Singapore, the most sustainable Asian city according to the Asian Green City Index, and thus will be conceived as a green congress from the very beginning.
A congress with a clear digital imprint and strongly tied to the country in which it will take place, that will not only come to life during the six days of the event in July 2023, but that is already launching activities and projects to help keeping the attention on dermatological issues for the entire period preceding the actual event.
Meanwhile, the TGI network consolidates its presence in Asia. The branch in Singapore is the latest addition, following Shanghai and Hong Kong, and is part of the international expansion plan that Triumph Group has been pursuing for years with growing turnover results.