TGI x Emilia Romagna
... as teamwork is even more valuable.
With our hearts in Italy, we want to bring our thoughts and tangible assistance to Emilia Romagna.
We have already contributed at a corporate level to the fundraising of the Regional Council for the Flood Emergency, and we encourage all Triumpher (and others) to do the same.
The Group will provide an additional contribution for every donation made… as teamwork is even more valuable.
Donate using the following bank details:
Iban: IT69G0200802435000104428964
The bank account is in the name of the Emilia-Romagna Agency for Territorial Safety and Civil Protection (also abbreviated as “Agenzia regionale Sic.T. Protezione civile Emilia Romagna”)
For donations from abroad:
Bic Swift code: UNCRITM1OM0
Bank: Unicredit
Thank you