Triumph Group International presents the first Impact Report
Triadi, spin-off of Politecnico di Milano, has developed an impact monitoring and evaluation method for TGI, in line with the purposes of consistent with the purposes of common benefit included in the statute. A unique dashboard of indicators that meet the specific evaluation needs of this holding company active within the Events & Live Industry.
28 June 2023, Rome – Just two years after its transformation into a Benefit Corporation*, TGI is publishing its first Impact Report, created combining the Sustainability Report with the Impact Report, i.e. a tool that is used for a closer evaluation of corporate behavior with the goal of amplifying positive impact and minimizing negative impact.
This year, once more, what stands out is TGI’s consistency in implementing its goals of common benefit and transparence. TGI emerges as an organization capable of maintaining a dynamic bal-ance between all of its stakeholders’ interests as well as generating long-term value for the whole system, and not just for itself.
This report marks a new step in the Holding’s journey towards sustainability. TGI chose to work with Triadi, an innovative start-up and spin-off of Politecnico di Milano – with which a partnership agree-ment has been entered for the second year in a row, entailing an exchange of consultancy activities between the two organizations, each based on its own expertise and know-how – to develop a tailor-made model for impact monitoring and evaluation.
The Report focuses on the areas in which TGI has achieved the best results and on those that re-quire an improvement of performance. Internal and external stakeholders alike agree in placing TGI’s efforts for event sustainability and its transparent and inclusive communication and market-ing efforts as areas where Triumph Group performs best. These are in fact the topics that have scored the highest in relevance ranking. CPD for employees and associates, a field in which the company is constantly investing, also represents an area of best performance according to the stakeholders.
As for the results achieved in providing social value to TGI, some topics that stand out are the implementation of the smart work policy, the creation of a department dedicated to HR man-agement and the implementation of a CPD and social activity program to keep Triumphers involved. Also, the initiatives to reduce the Group’s environmental impact, such as the paper-free policy, the purchase of e-bikes, and the creation of an accreditation system for suppliers that allows them to be selected based on their environmental and social performance as well as on other criteria.
Several ambitious goals have been laid out for the next two years, which include: extending the ISO 9001 certification to the Milan office; offering specific CPD and training on sustainability; delve into the UNI:PDR 125 standards for gender equality, the area of corporate welfare that is considered to be one of the top strategic priorities for the 2023-2024 biennium.
“This first Impact Report, which was born quite quickly thanks to the maturity of thought on certain issues that we have achieved, highlights our desire to extend the status of Benefit Corporation to the Group’s subsidiaries as well, thus preserving our corporate mission” states Maria Criscuolo, Chair-woman & Founder of Triumph Group International.
“Drafting TGI’s first Impact Report was an opportunity for Triadi to fortify our impact evaluation exper-tise – which stems from the decades of experience of Tiresia, Research Center of Politecnico di Mi-lano – in the Events & Live Industry, and to carry on our fruitful partnership with Triumph Group” states Irene Bengo, CEO of Triadi.
For further information: press@thetriumph.com
* According to the analytics provided by the Department of Business Administration at the University of Roma Tre, TGI is among the 36% of all Italian Benefit Corporations, which submit an Impact Report.
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