Special Projects Sustainability Report for three G7 Ministerial Meetings
Tag: csr, environmental sustainability, institutional

From September 25 to September 30, 2017, the Venaria Reale hosted three of the most important G7 Ministerial Meetings during the Italian Presidency: Industry, Science, and Labour, for which we created a joint Sustainability Report.
With our Sustainability Report, we chose to tell a complementary story of the Ministerial Meetings to that reported in the press, favouring the point of view of the stakeholders who made it possible.
What emerged was the social responsibility context in which we chose to work, extended to our supply chain, as well as the socioeconomic impact of these events on the host city.
This is how we started our reporting process: with data in hand, in response to the need for transparency on the environmental, economic, and social impacts of our activities.
We all know that when numbers speak, they cause quite a racket!