
初期时,我们策划了社会党国际代表大会和欧洲田径锦标赛,为国家移植中心成立了活动委员会。这让我们收获了很多关系和丰富经验,拓展了人脉,也让Triumph S.r.l.于1991年首次以公司名义签订活动策划协议。希尔顿酒店的肝移植代表会议标志着我们最初的罗马总部正式开业。
接下来几年间,我们主要承接政府部门活动和代表大会,并于1997年在米兰成立分公司。2000年,我们迎来了Youth Jubilee(青年庆典)、西诺波里的拉卡拉浴场音乐会和全球移植代表大会。这一年成为Triumph的转折点,从此奠定了Triumph在国际舞台上的位置。

18th International Congress of the Transplantation Society
Rome, 27th August – 1st September, 2000
This gathering took place in Rome in 2000 and was attended by over 6000 transplantologists from all over the world. The Congress, which was held during the Jubilee, had a great symbolic value as it was kicked off by a speech by the Pope on the ethics of transplants and organ donation.

NATO-Russia Summit
Pratica di Mare (Rome), 28 May, 2002
The sining ceremony that marked the memorable birth of the NATO-Russia Council took place in the fortified air base in Pratica di Mare, near Rome.

G8 Summit 2001
Genoa, 20-22 July, 2001
The inter-governmental political forum that brought the world leaders from the Group of Eight to Genoa, sadly notorious for the unrest and accidents that took place, was a great challenge in terms of organization.

81st INTERPOL General Assembly
Rome, 5-8 November 2012
The General Assembly is INTERPOL’s supreme governing body and comprises delegates appointed by the governments of member countries. In 2012, it took place in Rome bringing together justice, security and home affairs ministers from some 100 countries.

EXPO Shanghai 2010
Shanghai, 1st May – 31st October, 2010
The award of the contract for hospitality and event management of the Italian Pavillion at the Expo 2010 marked the establishment of our branch in Shangai, and represents a significant milestone in our history. A great challenge, tackled with a highly professional and attentive approach.

13th Congress of the EADV European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology
Florence, 17-21 November 2004
“The Renaissance of Dermatology” is the evocative title of the thirteenth edition of the EADV Congress, that was held in 2004 in Florence in the picturesque location that is Fortezza da Basso and was attended by over 9000 doctors from all over the world.