WFPHA – EUPHA - SITL 16th World Congress on Public Health 2020
Il congresso che riscrive i congressi
Tag: Congress
participants from 125 countries
digital rooms (outer lobby, inner lobby, help desk, auditorium, breakout rooms, networking lounge, poster hall, media room, exhibition hall)
1-hour live sessions (8 plenary sessions, 26 World Leadership Dialogues, 149 workshops, 8 satellite symposia, 7 pre-conferences) + 112 pre-recorded oral presentations

Dates and location: 12-16 October 2020 – digital event
Target: Public Health global community
Revolutionizing the world of congresses, and going big.
The WCPH2020 Congress marked the start of a new era for congresses: the full potential of digitalization unleashed to bring together the global community of the Public Health field, in a time of crisis for the whole planet.
Thousands of delegates attended to discuss and exchange views on the state of global and European health, in terms of research, methodology and procedures, showing their true commitment to face the current global challenges regarding climate change, poverty relief, and imminent health threats.
A congressional palimpsest as a new form of agenda
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have set up a new digitalized organizational machine, that could reach every corner of the world and connect voices and efforts in the Public Health field, managing the congress from its creation to its promotion and broadcasting. The agenda was comprehensive and varied, thanks to a wide range of topics and to its unique form, that entertained, informed and educated a large international audience.
It was a first, and like all firsts, it made our history.

Dates and location: 12-16 October 2020 – digital event
Target: Public Health global community
The people behind the screens of the 16th World Congress on Public Health