SIM 46th SIM National Congress
invisible to the naked eye, a flawless organization.
Tag: Association management

Dates and location: 26-29 September 2018, Palazzo del Marchese di Santa Croce e Trigona di Sant’Elia, Palermo
Target: SIM members
“An open mind on vaccines”
After 28 years, the National Congress of SIM (the Italian Society for Microbiology) returned to Palermo, in the setting of Fondazione Sant’Elia, a symbol of the city’s artistic and cultural heritage.
Triumph took care of its whole planning: from key visuals to setups, from organizational office work to hospitality and supplier coordination.
The scientific community addressed many relevant topics during the Congress, but the activities open to the general public and targeted at young people played a key role in its success.
An example is the meeting with middle and high school students titled “Sui vaccini a mente aperta” (An open mind on vaccines), which aimed to raise awareness on the history and importance of vaccines and to promote the appeal of microbiological research.
A prominent feature in the event was the participation in sustainability projects such as Food For Good by Federcongressi&eventi, Banco Alimentare and Equoevento Onlus, an initiative that aims to reduce food waste and donate food surpluses to underprivileged communities.